Constitution and Bylaws

About ASH

Constitution and Bylaws
Bylaws of the Asian Society for Hydrobiology (ASH)
Article 1 (Membership)
Section 1. Rights and Duties of Members
- Members have the right to participate in the activities mentioned in the Constitution’s Article 4.
- Members have the right to attend and vote in General Assembly.
- Members have the right to be elected as Society’s officers or delegates.
- Members have the duty to pay membership fees and adhere to resolutions passed by the General Assembly.
Section 2. Withdrawal of Membership.
Members may voluntarily withdraw their membership by expressing their intention in writing.
Section 3. Expulsion of Members
Members who act contrary to the Society’s objectives or damage its reputation can be expelled following a resolution by the Board of Directors.
Article 2 (Officers)
Section 1. Roles of Officers
- The President represents the Society, oversees its affairs, and serves as the chairperson of the Board of Directors, the Board of Executives, and the General Assembly.
- The Vice Presidents assist the President and are members of the Board of Directors.
- The General Secretary independently manages the Society’s secretariat, oversees administrative tasks, and is a member of the Board of Directors.
- The Auditors audit the Society’s accounts and report to the Board of Executives.
Section 2. Election of Officers
- The President, Vice Presidents, and General Secretary shall be appointed based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors and elected through the resolution of the Board of Executives and approval of the General Assembly.
- The Auditors shall be appointed based on the recommendation of the Board of Executives and elected with the approval of the General Assembly.
Section 3. Term of Officers
- The term of office for officers is two years and may be renewed. The General Secretary is expected to serve at least two consecutive terms for continuity. In the event of the President or General Secretary’s absence, the Board of Directors will decide on an acting officer who will fulfill the remaining term.
- Officers who have not completed their terms shall be replaced following a resolution by the Board of Executives and approval by the General Assembly.
Article 3 (Board of Directors)
Section 1. Roles of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors selects and implements projects that align with the Society’s objectives.
- Explore, select, coordinate, and implement the activities listed in Article 4.
- Recommend candidates for the next President, Vice Presidents, and the General Secretary.
- Recommend additional delegates for the Board of Executives.
- Coordinate other major matters of the Society.
Section 2. Convening the Board of Directors
- The President will convene the Board of Directors at least once a year and shall serve as the chairperson.
- The Board of Directors may meet on site or online.
- A quorum shall consist of a majority of current members and decision-making will follow the principle of majority rule.
Article 4 (Board of Executives)
Section 1. Roles of the Board of Executives
The Board of Executives shall decide on major matters of the Society.
- Vote on the Society’s next President, Vice Presidents, and the General Secretary.
- Recommend and elect Auditors.
- Recommend and elect additional delegates for the Board of Executives.
- Decide on the venue for regular conferences.
- Vote on other important matters of the Society.
Section 2. Election of Executives
Executives are recommended by the Board of Directors or existing Executives, elected by the Board of Executives, and approved by the General Assembly.
Section 3. Term of Executives
- The term of Executives is two years and may be renewed. For continuity, Executives are expected to serve at least two consecutive terms.
- Executives who do not complete their terms may be replaced following a resolution by the Board of Executives and approval by the General Assembly.
Section 4. Convening the Board of Executives
- The President will convene the Board of Executives at least once a year and shall serve as the chairperson.
- The Board of Executives may meet on site or online.
- A quorum shall consist of a majority of current members and decision-making will follow the principle of majority rule.
Article 5 (Editorial Board)
Section 1. Composition of the Editorial Board
To facilitate the Society’s activities, the Editorial Board may establish the following positions:
- One or more Editors-in-Chief
- Associate Editors
- Other positions as deemed necessary by the Editorial Board
Section 2. Roles of the Editorial Board
- Publication and editing of the Society’s Journal
- Promotion of the Society’s academic activities and research
- Other editorial matters of the Society
Article 6 (General Assembly)
Section 1. Roles of the General Assembly
The General Assembly approves the following matters:
- Amendments to the constitutions and bylaws.
- Dissolution of the Society
- Approval of officers, delegates, and auditors.
- Approval of the venue for regular conferences
- Other important matters of the Society
Section 2. Convening the General Assembly
- The President convenes and serves as the chairperson of the General Assembly.
- The President must convene a Regular General Assembly at least once every two years.
- The President may convene a Provisional General Assembly if requested by the President or by the Board of Executives.
- Decisions at the General Assembly are made by a majority vote of the members present. In the event of a tie, the chairperson decides.
- Amendments to the Society’s bylaws require a two-thirds majority vote at the General Assembly.
- Members who delegate their decision in writing are considered present or as having voted.
Article 7 (Secretariat and Committees)
Section 1. Location of the Secretariat
Korea University, Anam-ro 145, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, performs the administrative tasks of the Society. Separate regulations govern its composition and operation.
Section 2. Roles of the Secretariat
- Management of membership information and communication with members
- Notification and promotion of academic events and other Society activities
- Accounting tasks of the Society
- Management of the Society’s assets and documents
- Other administrative matters of the Society
Section 3. Committees
To facilitate the Society’s activities, the Secretariat may establish the following committees:
- Science and Education Committee
- Ethics and Award Committee
- Finance Committee
- Advisory Committee
- Other necessary committees as deemed appropriate
- Separate regulations will govern the committees.
Article 8 (Honorary Presidents of ASH)
Honorary presidents of ASH are accomplished members who have served as presidents in the Society and have dedicated substantial time and resources to benefit the Society.
Article 9 (Ethics Policy)
The Society requires officers, executives, and secretariat to observe standards of personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. Officers, executives, and secretariat should uphold honesty and integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Transitional Provision
Article 1 (Effective Date)
This Bylaws shall be effective from the date of approval (July 4, 2024) by the General Assembly of the Asian Society for Hydrobiology.
Constitution of the Asian Society for Hydrobiology (ASH)
Article 1 (Name)
The name of this organization is the “Asian Society for Hydrobiology (ASH)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Society”). The Society is a NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION with aims of benefitting the public interest.
Article 2 (Existence)
The existence of the Society shall be perpetual.
Article 3 (Purpose)
The Society aims to contribute to the development of hydrobiological science and technology by engaging in and disseminating academic activities related to the basics and applications of hydrobiology, focusing on freshwater and marine ecosystems worldwide. Specifically, it aims to contribute to the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and the sustainable use of water resources in various Asian countries.
Article 4 (Activities)
To achieve the purpose stated in Article 3, the Society shall undertake the following activities:
- Publication of journals, newsletters, and professional books in print or online
- Holding regular or irregular academic events such as conferences, symposiums, seminars, and meetings
- Strengthening cooperation with related academic, industrial, and research institutions
- Developing and disseminating educational programs for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems
- Encouraging the next generation of researchers, celebrating notable achievements, and rewarding outstanding researchers
- Other activities that align with the Society's purpose
Article 5 (Membership Qualifications)
Membership shall be open to those who work in hydrobiology or related fields and agree with the Society’s purpose.
Article 6 (Officers)
The Society’s officers shall consist of one President, one General Secretary, several Vice Presidents, and two Auditors.Article 7 (Board of Directors)
The Board of Directors consists of the President, Vice Presidents, and the General Secretary.
Article 7 (Board of Directors)
The Board of Directors consists of the President, Vice Presidents, and the General Secretary.
Article 8 (Board of Executives)
The Board of Executives consists of Executive members (hereinafter referred to as “Executives”) selected by country, function, and generation in line with the Society’s objectives.
Article 9 (Editorial Board)
The Editorial Board performs the publication and editorial tasks of the Society. Separate regulations govern its composition and operation.
Article 10 (General Assembly)
- The General Assembly consists of all Society’s members present at meetings of the Society.
- The General Assembly is divided into Regular General Assembly that is called during the Society’s regular conference and Provisional General Assembly that is called other times.
Article 11 (Secretariat)
The Secretariat performs the administrative tasks of the Society. Separate regulations govern its composition and operation.
Article 12 (Committees)
To facilitate the Society’s activities stated in Article 4, the Secretariat may establish committees.
Article 13 (Assets)
- The Society’s assets include those donated at the time of establishment, membership fees, donations, and other assets acquired without cost.
- The initial basic assets of the Society at the time of establishment are 0 USD.
- The Secretariat manages the Society’s assets and undergoes an annual accounting audit by a qualified, independent entity.
Article 14 (Finance and Accounting)
- The Society’s finances are managed through membership fees and donations.
- The fiscal year of the Society runs from January 1 to December 31.
- Separate regulations govern finance and accounting.
Article 15 (Amendment of Constitution)
Amendments to the Society’s constitutions require a three-fourths majority vote by the General Assembly.
Article 16 (Dissolution and Merger)
Dissolution or merger of the Society requires a four-fifths majority vote by the General Assembly. Upon dissolution, remaining assets shall be donated to other social enterprises or public funds.
Article 17 (Subordinate Regulations)
In addition to the constitution, the Society may establish separate subordinate regulations necessary for its operation.
Transitional Provision
Article 1 (Effective Date)
This constitution shall be effective from the date of approval (July 4, 2024) signed by all founding members to establish the nonprofit private organization, the Asian Society for Hydrobiology.
This constitution is drafted for the establishment of the nonprofit private society
"Asian Society for Hydrobiology," and all ASH executives have signed and sealed their agreement.