The Asian Society for Hydrobiology
ASH2024 Closing and Circulars
Updated: Aug. 02. 2024 view: 357

Dear members of ASH,


Greetings! The ASH 2024 conference finished amidst the enthusiastic participation and support from all ASH members. In the ASH2024 conference, many events and meetings were held alongside many outstanding presentations from both young and experienced hydrobiologists around the world. The ASH Secretariat team would like to give everyone its most sincere gratitude. for making this ASH2024 a huge success. 

In addition, the ASH Secretariat have attached the ASH2024 circulars for all those interested. Last but not least, we would like to give a warm round of applause for the next host of ASH2026 - Mongolia, under the ASH President elect 

Hope to see you all in the upcoming ASH2026 Ulaanbaatar! 
