The Asian Society for Hydrobiology
Resh-Rosenberg Travel Award for SFS meeting
Updated: Nov. 29. 2024 view: 301

Dear ASH Members,

The upcoming SFS meeting in Puerto Rico, May 2025 announced the new Resh-Rosenberg Travel Award to help young Asian-African freshwater scientists participate in the upcoming SFS meeting: Eligibility for the Travel Award is that the applicant be a 3rd+ year PhD student or early-career scientific researcher or professor (5 years or less) in the field of freshwater sciences, of Asian or African ethnicity. 

For those interested in the conference, the Travel Award will present two recipients with $2,500 to cover for their travel expenses. The ASH Secretariat team highly encourages passionate scientists and researchers to apply for this amazing opportunity, and thank Professor John Morse for providing the above information.

Best Wishes,

ASH Secretariat
