4th International Symposium of the Benthological Society of Asia (BSA2018)
Updated: Jan. 04. 2018 view: 2142
Dear colleagues,
The 4th International Symposium of the Benthological Society of Asia (BSA2018) will be held in Nanjing, 21–25 August 2018. The 2nd Youth Freshwater Ecology School: EPT Taxonomy will be held 19–20 August 2018 just prior to the BSA2018.
Human population and economic growth continue to degrade freshwater ecosystem health greatly and to threaten aquatic biodiversity throughout Asia. To contribute to useful solutions for improving the health and biodiversity of Asia’s freshwater ecosystems, the Benthological Society of Asia (BSA) has chosen “Freshwater Health and Biodiversity in Asia” as the theme for its 2018 biennial symposium.
The website for BSA 2018 is:, with detailed information of the theme, sessions, registrations, transportations etc.
Attached here is the first circular letter of the 4th International Sympoisum.
Please disseminate these information.
We look forward to seeing you in Nanjing, August 2018!
The BSA Secretariat