The Asian Society for Hydrobiology
Symposia2nd AESEA

The 2nd Joint Meeting of Aquatic Entomologists in East Asia
(2nd AESEA) 1-4 November 2002, Asahi near Nagoya, Japan


The 2nd AESEA meeting was opened at the Youth Nature Center in Asahi Highland, Aichi, Japan during November 1-4, 2002. The meeting was attended by fifty-two aquatic entomologists from six countries, such as China, Korea, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan. Twenty-nine scientific papers were presented. They were covering various subjects of aquatic entomology which are on taxonomy, morphology, developmental biology, ecology, faunistic study and applied issues. Unfortunately, three peoples, two Russians and a Thais, were absent, although their presentations were given. One of them was read and the others were carried as abstracts in the program and abstract book of the symposium. In this meeting, we knew for sure that all the participants were feeling the meeting policy which was established in the first AESEA meeting in Korea, 2000, namely it is “informal and open to any aquatic entomologists” and “not only for the development of the study area but also for better communication among them in East Asia”.

In addition to fruitful presentations and discussions, all of participants enjoyed taking a field trip in a mountain stream, Danto-gawa, and informal meetings held at night in a neighboring facility “Asahi Kogen Genki Mura”, which is an old fashioned house built in Japanese style. We were having good symposium in the real sense of the term every night there. We had cold weather during the meeting, but Kotatsu (traditional warmer) and Irori (fireplace) made us warm and open out to each other. Many kinds of foods and drinks served by Asako Uchida and Yoko Marunouchi accelerated our friendship making. Although the 2nd AESEA meeting was small, we believe the meeting policies mentioned above will be carried on into the next meeting definitely.

We would like to thank all the participants for their kind help and generosity during the meeting, and express our thanks to the students of Aichi Institute of Technology and other staffs for their willing assistance in preparing and running the meeting, Hiroyuki Nishimoto, Akiko Shiragane, Yoko Marunouchi, Asako Uchida and Makoto Uenishi.

We would like to thank all those who helped in the publishing of the proceedings namely : Tomiko Ito who consented willingly to publish the proceedings as a supplement of the journal, “Biology of Inland Waters” ; Takao Nozaki, Shinichi Ishiwata, Yu Isobe, Makoto Uenishi who reviewed the papers and / or supported us in editing the proceedings ; Kazuhisa Inada who drew the excellent illustration of stonefly for cover page.

Again, our best thanks to all mentioned peoples and to all participands who made the meeting a pleasant and good one.
